Shortlisting Luxury Categories: BNC Technology, Home Cinema Category

BNC Technology have been shortlisted in the ID&A Awards 2014, with their project entering the Home Cinema category.

An elegant room that performs well and gives the family a comfortable environment that’s better than any Cinema they have ever been to.


A Black Diamond screen was used based on performance and aesthetics, taking into consideration colour changing lights. The JVC projector and the Anamorphic lens gave the client a phenomenal picture with no rainbow effect.


The speaker positions were calculated and placed according to technical guidelines. The Acoustic design approach was a live end, dead end approach with the first third of the room being the dead end and the last third being the live end. An acoustic transparent wall was built in front of the room to conceal the subwoofers, speakers, cabling and acoustic treatment. The same was done for the rear and surround speakers.


A convenience switch was installed at the entrance of the room for simple, single button control which integrated into the existing Clipsal C-Bus lighting control system.


After completion of the technical and acoustic design, the interior division designed the concept for the interiors. Luxury fabrics were chosen to compliment the carpets and black leather seats. The overall result is a well balanced and comprehensive solution with all of the features the client wanted.


Great pride is taken in approaching each design with careful consideration and meticulous planning as well laid plans lead to well executed solutions. We constantly keep up to date with the changing trends and technologies in the market place. This allows us the ability to design & install Home Cinema spaces to the highest standard.