design et al are delighted to announce that AlvInterior Concept have been shortlisted for Luxury Residence – Asia Pacific Award in The International Design & Architecture Awards 2019.
The concept of this project was to provide breathtaking interpretations of modern classic luxury across the house. AlvInterior Concept were inspired to create a project that is aesthetically designed to be both sophisticated and at the same time alluring. Each area of the home has its own design scheme, though all are interlinked by a consistent use of loose spacial planning to complement the concept as a whole. The owner’s trust in AlvInterior Concept to provide this means they were able to use Once Central Park to portray a truly unique design, and in turn, provide a conceptually idiosyncratic living experience.
The herringbone solid wood flooring used throughout Once Central Park means that the project inexorably exudes an essence of simplistic elegance and elevates the design work. In the main living space, the modern-classic gold accents provide a sense of luxury, and the use or mirrors gives the illusion of space whilst amplifying the beauty of this section. The tall ceilings allow for the chandeliers of imported crystal to be showcased, and this along with the lighting which has been installed below the onyx provides spectacular illumination effects. This works in harmony next to the stunning city backdrop gifted by the large spanning window, allowing for an abundance of natural light in the daytime, but also stunning views in the evening.
The bedrooms deliver a more natural style to the home through the earthy tones. AlvInterior Concepts employ softer, warmer colours for the bedroom for a comfortable atmosphere. The headboard of handwoven bamboo leaves is an outstanding addition to the room which highlights a unique sense of luxury within the details. One Central Park also features a communal family area which is based on traditional Chinese dynasty, at the heart of which exhibits class and riches. The textured gold ceiling in particular was designed to emanate power when framing traditional yet bold colours.