Lauri ChurchComlux has been shortlisted in the International Yacht and Aviation Awards 2014 in the Private Aviation Interiors Category with their KCJ concept for a corporate ACJ31 aircraft.


Name: Lauri Church

Company: Comlux America

Position within company: Interior Design Group Lead




What direction do you feel design is moving towards in general terms? 

I see more cultures turning to a greener way of life. I think we’ll see more people de-cluttering, de-stressing and downsizing their overall economic footprint and using natural materials and textiles to create a Zen like environment.


What projects are you currently working on? 

We’re currently working on a Boeing BBJ,  Airbus  ACJ321 and ACJ320.


A designer’s work is so diverse – how do you manage to hold down a career and a life? 

I have a very understanding family that supports me and my career.


Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2014 and beyond.

Minimizing and simplifying design
Natural and organic design
Texture and how it relates to design
Interiors and how they relate to us
Inspirational Design


If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to design schemes, what would it be?

Colour can make or break an interior…what might be hip and trendy today might not stand the test of time.


How important are The International Yacht and Aviation Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?

I believe it is very important because it keeps us up to speed on current designs as well as introduces us to new designs that inspire.


How do you relax?

Veg-out at home with my family.


What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?

To deliver these three aircraft and get ready for the next ones.


Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself

The car you drive? – Lexus

Your favourite place to travel to in the world? – Velaa Islands, in the India Ocean

Your favourite hotel/ restaurant/ bar? – De L’ Europe Amsterdam

The place that gives you the most energy? – Our Design Studio

And the place that enables you to totally relax? – Home

Your favourite food and drink? – Nothing better than a good cosmopolitan

Anything else interesting? – I love animals