Design Industry Daily News How to be part of it …

With so much happening out there in the design world on a global basis, we thought it would be a good idea to give you daily snippets each day at 1.00pm GMT, think of it as your lunch time news.

We will be looking at key new products and launches as and when they are released, plans for new developments will be announced first here and you will learn who is doing what, where and when they are doing it.

Of course we want you to be part of everything, as key people in the design industry, we want to hear your news stories, learn about your new launches, idea and grand plans first. New stories will be reviewed each day, so please do send us your news first. We will then select news snippets for the day and tell the industry.

Daily pieces should be submitted between 3.00 pm on the previous day and 9.00am GMT. We cannot guarantee to publish your news story, but we do promise to look at every piece. You will need to submit 150 – 200 words plus 2 images.