Applications For The World’s Most Exclusive Design Awards Soar & Designer’s Flock To London To Compete
Whilst parliament negotiates amongst itself, turns upon itself and questions of economic growth and stagnation arise, the design industry continues to work on a global level, with London at the heart.
London’s significance can be witnessed at an international level as applications from leading designers and architects have reached record levels this year. To date more than 230 projects have been shortlisted for The International Design & Architecture Awards 2019 and organisers design et al estimate the number to exceed 500 in total by close of applications.
Why has there been such growth in an otherwise uncertain year, you may ask? “There are various factors that have led to this growth.” design et al’s Publisher Joanne Beedles explained. “I certainly think that the fact that The Awards celebrate their 10th Anniversary this year has been significant, these are the only awards based here in the UK to focus solely on the very top of the market, but more than this I really do believe that London is the design capital of the world. I have been working in this industry for more than twenty years, but it is only since founding The International Design & Architecture Awards ten years ago now, that I have been able to appreciate London and the UK’s role as the key player in a global design industry. Before that, to be fair, I thought such comments were PR talk, spin, grand statements aimed to sell and influence, but it would appear they are true. London is seen throughout the world as the capital of the design industry: a factor which means designers are willing to travel from more than 35 countries to be here each September and compete each year. In a year when the media claim uncertainty and Brexit dominates, this has to be some good news to shout about.”