Designer in Profile: Albert Nazarov, Managing Director of Albatross Marine Design

Name: Albert Nazarov

Company: Albatross Marine Design

Position within company: Managing Director



Tell us a little about your background in design (education, experience, etc)

It is difficult to describe the whole team; we are team of 15 specialists involved in different aspects of design and management.

For myself at AMD team principal, I tried to design first boat at the age of 11; at 14 built sailing dinghy. Studied drawing art for 4 years. Graduated in Naval Architecture (1996), got PhD in Ship Dynamics in 2004, member of RINA, SNAME, Chartered Engineer (UK). Active sailor, writing for boating magazines, lectured and presented at many international conferences and events.

When I was an art school student, all my drawings from their reverse side were covered by sketches of boats. Teachers said these drawings should be seen from both sides. I am still the same: enjoy drawing new boats, and have chance to see some of them afloat.


How would you describe your personal design style?

Designed for the Ocean. Elegant and stylish. Functional. Safe.


Where does your design inspiration come from?

I spend a lot of time sailing and boating. Being face-to-face with elements brings a lot of design ideas. Second source of inspiration is travel and architecture, like to walk around a city and picture all interesting details like buildings, door hinges, gratings, etc. And the third is work of great designers: reading books about them.


In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

My feeling that yacht design involves more and more people with very limited boating experience… Yes, they do bring a lot of creativity, however sometimes their creations are not in harmony with the Ocean. As Richard Woods said: ‘Be wary of those designers who don’t sail. I suspect all car designers own and drive a car!’

Most of mainstream motor yachts can be described as ‘white fibreglass boxes intended to carry furniture at the hump of resistance’. We are trying to be different and combine comfort and luxury with performance and functionality. Smart instead extensive! Our design submitted for the Award speaks for itself. This is why we ended up with wave piercing catamaran – spacious, performance-oriented, remarkable…


Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2020 and beyond.

Space, freedom, performance, tropical lifestyle, staying safe! I believe ‘runaway concept’ will have a lot of demand in next years – to stay away from restrictions, in comfortable self-isolation.


If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to design schemes, what would it be?

Design is about understanding of boats. Not just drawing the sleek profiles, and not just satisfying the rules. Thus spending time on water helps the designer in all aspects.


How important are The International Yacht & Aviation Awards?

If one wants to look at the present, go to boat show. If one wants to see the future, look at design contests. The Award is chance for us to present our vision of the future of yachting.


What projects are you currently working on?

We are working on solar-powered yachts and green technology passenger boats.


What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?

For us, the design process does not stop once renderings are complete. We do full design cycle, and track our projects from first sketch to cutting files towards launching. This, we look closely how our designs are realized. The plans are simple: keep working and creating new interesting boats.


Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself and your daily inspirations:

Your favourite holiday destination?

Italy, lake Garda

Your favourite book, film & song?

Any historical book. Like to read memories of yacht designers as well, such as ‘From Dhows to Deltas’ by Levi. When I was 11, my grandmother bought me a boating magazine with a story of America’s Cup; about ‘Australia II’ winning entry in 1983. That magazine changed my life and I decided to become boat designer.

Your favourite food and drink?

Asian food, in particular Thai and Indian.

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon?

Sunset sail! But not just champagne enjoyment on a boat, but a real hard training on a sailing dinghy, with heart rate of 180! Sail and think of new design ideas…

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?

Evidently a skipper. But might get boring if not drawing new boats!