Name: Kuldej Sinthawanarong, PhD
Company: JARKEN
Position within company: Founder / Principal Designer
Tell us a little about your background in design
With a background as a structural engineer, I had spent my early years in the UK working whilst pursuing his Master’s and PhD in Design Management and Property Economics.
How would you describe your personal interior design style?
It is always my willingness and personal pleasure to provide unorthodox design paradigms with my knowledge of the design, real estate and life style industry. In the Thai vernacular material culture, natural materials and organic forms are widely used to assemble almost everything from kitchen utensils to dwellings. My approach of design aims to experiment such culture as an example to examinant the issues about the transformation, the impacts, and the conflicts on tradition, localness, vernacular designs, nostalgic memories, and the innovative elements into a new design solutions
Where does your design inspiration come from?
I am fascinated by hi-tech processes, different and contrasting cultural platforms and Globality.
In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?
Design is no longer about oneself, it would never be about an object but about our entire culture. Designers are heading into a more pragmatic approach towards social responsibility for the legacy we leave behind.
Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2015 and beyond.
I think designer’s inspiration would come face to face with the raw material on transforming. Simplicity of the lines. Perfectionism from the inner of social reaction. Self-dependant design approach from the impossibility to the imperfect. Finally the streamlines of Glocality would definitely come into attention once again.
If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to interior design schemes, what would it be?
Listen to your clients but speak to yourself.
How important are The International Design and Architecture Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?
We need to inspire young generation designers through international stage, this is one of the key element that keep them motivated through good examples of our eagerness and our work. IDA Awards is one of the most distinguish platform that delivers.
What projects are you currently working on?
Medical Facilities design project and product design for elderly and people who needs cares.
What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?
I have a lifelong crusade to help individuals to reach their full potential. What I have learned, I have shared with others. It’s in my nature. I am a teacher by my own definition of success.
Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself…
Your most treasured possession? My wife and 3 kids
Your favourite holiday destination? Italy
Your favourite hotel / restaurant / bar? Four Seasons Hong Kong, Joel Robouchon, Iggy’s
Your favourite book Anything by Charles Saatchi / film The Classics, Love Actually / song?
Your favourite food and drink? Italian and Japanese
Your favourite way to spend an afternoon? Pick up my kids from school, have a good read with a nice cup of Earl Grey
If you weren’t a designer, what would you be? Medical doctor