Designer Profile: Michael Fiebrich – Managing Director/Founder – Michael Fiebrich Design


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     Name: Michael Fiebrich

     Company: Michael Fiebrich Design

     Position within Company: Managing Director/ Founder








Tell us a little about your background (education, experience, etc)

I graduated from the University of Texas in my hometown of Austin with a degree in Architecture. After graduation, I went to work for one of the largest hospitality design firms in the world, based in Dallas, Texas. After a few years in Dallas I relocated to Singapore as Design Director of their new Asia headquarters. After many wonderful years with them in Singapore, it was time to venture out on my own and Michael Fiebrich Design was born.

Our team has had the wonderful opportunity to work with the most renowned hospitality and development groups in the industry and we’ve walked away from every association further enlightened. We specialize in the hospitality market; Hotel, Resort, Casino as well Spa and F&B, but also enjoy high end residential design. We will be launching our second collection of furniture and lighting in 2016.


How would you describe your own personal style?

The basic tenets of great design always apply to our work- timelessness, elegance, comfort, functionality and an understanding of service operations- but we try to ensure that our projects also have a sense of escapism. We feel that great design should always make the mind travel, whether it’s to a place of relaxation and serenity or excitement and activity or anything in between. As long as this mantra is followed, the designs we provide have less to do with a personal style and more to do with the Clients goals and objectives. Our team always designs with our Client’s needs and their target market in mind and we’re comfortable working in any style from cutting edge contemporary to classic.


Where does your inspiration come from?

As Designers, we take inspiration from everything around us from nature to fashion to architecture, but the wonderful opportunity to travel extensively and experience different cultures and countries first-hand for our projects has provided our team with the most creative inspiration.

What direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

We tend to avoid trends in design and prefer a more timeless approach instead. Having said that, we have seen shifts in what our guests and end-users expect, ranging from connectivity to sustainability. We also feel that with the globalization of the market, our guests are becoming savvier. With this come even higher expectations of a unique experience and a strong sense of relevance.

Name five key themes to consider when approaching property development in 2016 and beyond.

  1. Guest experience
  2. comfort
  3. function
  4. ease of operations
  5. timeless design


If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to development projects, what would it be?

Always design for the market. You can create the most beautiful space in the world but if it isn’t appropriate for your target market, from an operations standpoint, it will not be successful.


How important are The International Design and Architecture Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?

The International Design and Architecture Awards provide a platform that promotes the sharing and appreciation of our industry and our work, which is paramount to all our success and growth as designers. It makes us all better designers to see and be inspired by what our peers are achieving.

What projects are you currently working on?

We are working on the exciting new Crown Towers Hotel in Perth, Australia as well as several restaurants including Nobu, Perth. We have also begun renovating the VIP Suites for the iconic Marina Bay Sands Hotel and Casino in Singapore.

What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?

To continue to expand our horizons and push the envelope in the world of hospitality design.

Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself

Your most treasured possession?

My partner David, friends and family, are the only things I couldn’t live without.

Your favourite holiday destination?

There are too many to list – my favourite destination seems to be any place where I’m on holiday but we tend to gravitate toward the mountains or the beach. Our favourite destination is the Maldives and our favourite mountain destination is our home in Wyoming.

Your favourite hotel / restaurant / bar?

We always stay at the Hotel Bel Air in Los Angeles- the rooms are tasteful, chic and spacious with large garden terraces and the grounds are beautiful- but my new favourite is the Crown Towers Resort in Manila. The Lobby is grand, elegant but very masculine.

Nobu Restaurant in Perth, Australia is one of my favourite dining experiences. Nobu always has an incredible menu and both the restaurant and the bar are top of my “sexy interiors” list.

Your favourite food and drink?

I will never say no to good Mexican food or an ice cold bottle of Chardonnay.

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon?

Spending the day working in our tropical garden in Singapore.

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?

A Landscape Architect, I love watching things grow