Designer in Profile: Nick Caripis of BNC Technology

BNC Technology_Nick Caripis      Name: Nick Caripis
      Company: BNC Technology
      Position within company: Solution Architect, Managing Director












Tell us a little about your background
The custom installation industry is where I stared my career since 2003. I started BNC Technology in 2008 and have grown it from the garage to the 10 strong team we are today. CEDIA (Custom Electronic Design and Installation Association) was a turning point for me and gave me the guidance and training I needed in the industry. I am a certified Designer with CEDIA which focuses on electronic designs for integrated solutions for the home and office. Cinema design was also a big part of my education and this course was done through CEDIA. This is where my passion for Home Cinemas and Cinema design took off. Aiming to design the perfect room from an aesthetic and technical perspective is the challenge that excites me. Being in multimillion dollar homes makes me focus on the attention to detail and finishing that these clients expect and helps us push the boundaries in performance and design.

Where does your inspiration come from? My inspiration comes from many things in life.

If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to development projects, what would it be? Pay attention to the detail and keep on top of things constantly

How important are The International Design and Architecture Awards as recognition of talent and achievement? I believe it sets us apart from our competition out there that just get by. We want to be the best in every avenue we pursue.

What projects are you currently working on? We are doing some amazing residential projects in Zimbabwe and Johannesburg that will be our best work yet.

What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months? to streamline our business and grow our international project base

Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself

Your most treasured possession? My basketball signed by Derick Rose

Your favourite holiday destination? Anywhere with a beach for the kids

Your favourite hotel / restaurant / bar? Casalinga, we got married there and still my favourite place for a family lunch of dinner

Your favourite book / film / song? Book – Rich Dad poor dad, this book is where my journey began. Film: persuit of happiness, song: Andrea Bocelli – Sogno

Your favourite food and drink? Pizza e Vino

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon? Around the pool, making a braai with friends and family

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be? Sales and business owner