Designer Profile: Pia Rosling – Senior designer for Sola Kitchens

Name: Pia Rosling
Company: Sola Kitchens
Position within company: Senior designer
Website :

Tell us a little about your background in design (education, experience, etc)

Masters in Computer Science and Business
11 years at IBM as Sales Director
3 years at Effnet (telecom) as Sales, Marketing and Product Management Director
1 year at Citat AB as Sales Director

Diploma Interior Design at KLC School of Design
Artist, painting in oil, exhibited in 10 different countries and sold 150 large paintings.
Carpet designer at Van der Hurd Studios
Interior Designer at Schemes Interior Design
Kitchen designer at Smallbone of Devizes
Kitchen designer at Roundhouse Design
Kitchen designer at Sola kitchens

. How would you describe your personal interior design style?

Scandinavian clean lines, simplicity, utility, and beauty, Scandinavian homes have a pure, pared backed style that is centred on warm functionality, flawless craftsmanship and understated elegance. The use of light is considered to be extremely important, and many Scandinavian homes are characterized by the use of earthy muted tones, honest materials and minimal ornamentation. The term “less is more” without losing personality and warmth. Function and stylish look in a balanced harmony.

. Where does your design inspiration come from?
It’s all in my head. I use Pinterest sometimes.

. In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

I can see that Design is moving towards more human-environment interaction. I do not imply that interior designers must become ecologists. Just that interior designers will have to rebalance their great passion for design toward a greater passion for the reasons for, and the results of, their designs. Swedes have been very quick to add eco-friendly aspects to their houses. Triple-glazing, proper insulation for walls and roofs, ground source heat pumps

. Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2015 and beyond.

1. Materials like wood, brick and concrete. Don’t be afraid to show it. Incorporate cladding on walls and even ceilings to add texture and warmth. Use a grey oil to take the yellow away from woods like pine or oak. Exposed brick walls give warmth to a room, concrete is very popular.
2. Inspired by Nordic noir. The combination of silver and yellow metals is very much part of Danish culture. Inspired from the TV show “The Bridge”. It’s a shadowy world, so the idea of having glowing moments in the shadows really appealed to us and we use a lot of brass and copper.”
3. Use furniture which has a quiet, understated aesthetic. Scandinavia has a particular flair for affordable, functional furniture, made using natural materials and traditional craftsmanship.
4. Clean lines from architecture to furniture as well as connection with the outdoors so you’ll find a balcony or terrace in even the smallest apartments.
5. Any Scandinavian would shudder at the sight of an English Victorian interior. Declutter without losing personality.
. If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to interior design schemes, what would it be?
Keep it simple.

. How important are The International Design and Architecture Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?
The awards provide recognition and credibility. It is a great marketing tool to attract new employees and clients, develops new design standards, particularly for smaller companies like ourselves

. What projects are you currently working on?
Collaborations with development and contracting companies specializing in high quality new build and refurbishment works.
Interiors for café and bars
As always residential kitchen projects.

. What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?
Open a second showroom in London and one in the surrounding counties.+30% in revenue.

. Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself
Your most treasured possession? My children Felix 23 and Hanna 20
Your favourite holiday destination? Anywhere warm Bali, Australia, Caribbean islands
Your favourite food and drink? Lobster and all Shellfish, Champagne
Your favourite way to spend an afternoon? (in no more than 25 words)

Visit a local car boot sale and find a new kitchen gadget. Explore a new food market. Have a meal with my family David, Hanna, Felix and Jordan. Have a massage. Crack a great kitchen design and make someone excited. Create a new painting.
If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?

A chef