Designer Profile: Sian Baxter: Founder and Director of Designed by Light

Name: Sian BaxterSians Portrait
Company: Designed by Light
Position within company: Founder, majority shareholder and director

. Tell us a little about your background in design (education, experience, etc)
Educated in business/economics and psychology I spent the early part of my career in the City. 17 years ago I wanted and needed a change. I did a lighting design course and set up Sian Baxter Lighting Design immediately after and have been designing lighting schemes ever since.
. How would you describe your personal interior design style?
Contemporary, slightly eclectic with warm, earthy colours.

. Where does your design inspiration come from?

. In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?
Improvements in function/performance enabled by technological advances.

. If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to product / lighting scheme design, what would it be?
Pendant light design – to look wonderful when turned on and off.

. How important are The International Product Design Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?
It is important both on a personal and professional level. When you work for yourself it’s nice to get some recognition and I find it has a positive effect with clients.

. What projects are you currently working on?
Designing a decorative light fitting using glass with Claire Spellman also of Designed by Light.

. What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?
To design and launch new products through Designed by Light.
. Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself
Your most treasured possession?
I don’t have treasured possessions as such. I treasure people – my boyfriend, friends and family.

Your favourite holiday destination?
I don’t have a favourite holiday destination, I like variety. Some places I’ve enjoyed visiting include Mexico, Oman, Italy, France, Sark, Wales and the Caribbean.

Your favourite hotel / restaurant / bar?
Again I don’t have favourite – I like different ones for different occasions, moods. The Olympic members bar and restaurant often fits the bill.

Your favourite book / film / song?
Out of Africa, Atonement, Creep.

Your favourite food and drink?
Fish straight from the sea, wild fruit, chocolate, nice wine.

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon? (in no more than 25 words).
Being outside walking my dogs, having a BBQ with friends, sailing and cycling with my boyfriend.

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?
A psychologist.