Designer in Profile: SUSD Ltd

Harry Harris cropped  Name: Harry Harris

  Company: SUSD Ltd

  Position within company: Managing Director





. Tell us a little about your background (education, experience, etc)

I studied architecture at University of Westminster and went on to work for the University in their Estates Strategy department. From very early on I decided I would explore the link between architecture and development and combine the two in one practice. I started the residential developer London Town plc with my friend and went from there to starting SUSD 10 years ago. We design and build everything from residential to hotels.


. How would you describe your own personal style?

I would describe my style as a London style; eclectic and multifarious


. Where does your inspiration come from?

I am inspired by high-quality construction projects, that are successfully completed despite complex financial and legal issues


. In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

Architecture is less singular and borrows more and more from industrial processes,


. Name five key themes to consider when approaching property development in 2014 and beyond.

Design, Planning, Funding, Longevity, Community


. If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to development projects, what would it be?

Realistic and careful programming


. How important are The International Design and Architecture Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?

It is industry recognised and beginning to reach funders.


. What projects are you currently working on?

Two hotels and a winery!


. What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?

To establish SUSD as a highly regarded designer and development partner


. Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself

Your most treasured possession? My kid’s drawings

Your favourite holiday destination? Barbados

Your favourite hotel / restaurant / bar? John Moores bar in Barbados

Your favourite book / film / song? The Corrections/One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest/Gimme Shelter

Your favourite food and drink? Sunday Roast/Guinness

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon?  Walking along the Southbank in the sunshine and then late lunch at the Wolsley or a few cocktails at the Groucho!


If you weren’t a designer, what would you be? Restaurateur

Anything else interesting? I am about to take part in my 10th marathon (London) for charity.