Hong Kong based GIL Art & Design Consultants have been shortlisted for the Residential £1- £2.5 Million (Project Value) award in the International Design & Architecture Awards 2014.
The Palm Springs International apartment in Chongqing, is a proud and confident portrayal of modern design and stylish life style. The sophisticated use of sharp contrasts of lines, forms, features and details exudes a sense of visual intensity. When these contrasts are calculated to appear in layers repeatedly, dedicate and sensitive nuances in moods are created.
What is most worthy of mention is the innovative and tasteful use of material. The unique selection of material and their application convey a modern attitude towards life with great emotional resonance. Cool and proud are the black and white marbles. Dynamic and fashionable are the metals and leathers. Extravagant and romantic are the horsehair upholstery and woolly carpets. All of the above exemplify an indulgent sense of luxury.
The extension of wall treatment into the ceiling is a bold visual statement in the living area. The tinted mirror wall with fine etched lines in the dining area takes on an infinite charm. Complete control of the tonal combination in decorative finishes, latest wall coverings and carpets basking in the warm light from lamps and crystal chandeliers sets a stage of cosmopolitan elitist life style.