The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2017 – Aviation Categories


At Luxe et al, we believe in rewarding and recognising good design. The International Yacht & Aviation Awards are now in their 7th year. This year we have expanded the awards categories; we will be looking at design schemes within projects and the very components of these schemes. Our aim is to focus on the best interior design schemes on a global level and in doing so, to inspire lead and celebrate innovation and style.

Luxe et al support every short-listed project with a PR and editorial in excess of £2000 per entry. Our commitment to promoting and endorsing good design is second to none.

The application process for the awards is very simple: complete the application pack and submit along with 5 high reolustion images per project, per submission.

We recommend that you contact the awards team via email to request an application pack, all categories have limited space and are served on a first come first served basis.

Telephone: +44(0)1244 346 347
