The upcoming December issue of LUXE ET AL will be our key issue of the year for aviation design, within which we will be covering a variety of topics within the private aviation industry from featuring the most amazing projects and design schemes to showcasing the key components that make up great private aviation interior design schemes.
– Extended features presenting several amazing private aircraft and interiors that give a unique high-definition walk-through of the projects.
– Extended features on two of our favourite shortlisted projects in The International Yacht & Aviation Awards 2017: ‘Global Express’ by SchoningWulffraat and ‘Aquarius’ by Autoban.
– Discussions with some of the world’s most innovative designers, getting their perspectives on where the aviation industry is heading, how modern technology has influenced their work and the key trends we are seeing today.
– A number of features focusing on completion centres and their work in designing and building the wonderful interiors of private jets, exploring in-depth the inner workings of what they do, the challenges they face and the materials they love to work with.
– An aviation exclusive ‘Designer Endorsements’ product feature, within which we showcase the key suppliers of the sector and their best product lines that aviation designers should be working with.
– The latest ‘Aviation News’ to hit the headlines.
This is an exclusive issue with limited availability and we operate on an application and invitation basis only.
Applications officially open on Monday, 28th November 2016.
For applications for advertising space and to take part in editorial please contact Jim Brown, assistant to the Publishing Manager, via
(Please note: Features and articles may be changed at the sole discretion of the editor)