Malmaison Edinburgh City by Dakota House of Design

Dakota House Of Design have been shortlisted for Hotel under 200 rooms Europe Award in The International Hotel and Property Awards 2020.

The brief was to create a stylish 72-bedroom hotel in the heart of Edinburgh City New Town, incorporating the uniqueness and individuality of the Malmaison brand. Each hotel dares to be different and is designed with the location and architecture of the buildings in mind, as well as local history and popular attractions, to create a story, while keeping the design sophisticated, elegant and timeless.

Dakota House Of Design

The design needed to create an extraordinary experience for all of their guests. The central story at Edinburgh City is juxtaposition, told through the bold design- highlighting existing features with a contemporary twist; rich colours, royal tones, relating to Edinburgh Castle, traditional artwork – work of that era but displayed in a modern way, Large feature furniture creating statements using contrasting materials.

Dakota House Of Design

The design works well as it tells the story while still creating a sophisticated hotel with a style that is quirky and yet seductive. Bedrooms are cosy and distinctive and public areas are funky but still elegant giving the guest a unique hotel experience. Dakota House of Design have designed something which is photogenic from every corner and every angle.

Dakota House of Design

The design integrates with the wider environment as the street names are incorporated into the story through the reception feature and on throughout the hotel. One particular landmark in the New Town is the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and because of this Dakota have used traditional artwork in a contemporary way such as blown up pixelated artwork in the suite bedroom headboards. We used the surroundings of Edinburgh to help us tell a story, told through the design of Old meets New, much like Edinburgh itself.

Dakota House Of Design

design et al only work with the world’s leading designers.

If you think you have what it takes to complete in The International Hotel & Property Awards, submit your application by clicking here.

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