Designer In Profile: Maria Almirall, Architect Director at Arquetipus – Architectural Projects

Name: Maria Almirall

Company:  Arquetipus – architectural projects

Position within company: Architect Director


Tell us a little about your background in design.

After my studies of architecture at ETSAB (Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura de Barcelona), and after some work practices in different companies I started that company, ARQUETIPUS, by myself in 2000. In that company, we specialise in building (housing, rebuild, public building, hotel reforms..) and we are also involved in technical works at public administration.

How would you describe your personal interior design style?

Our works mainly seek functionality, integration in the environment and neutrality. Above all, in heritage reforms, we try to find the essence of the original spaces without trying to modify them too much.

Where does your design inspiration come from?

The site of the project gives us many clues and ideas about where to go in each case. Each project is different because its pre-existing environments lead us to different solutions.

In what direction do you feel that design is moving towards in a general sense?

I think the tendency is towards naturalness, towards essence. The times of crisis have left behind the great sophistications

 Name five key themes to consider when approaching design in 2019 and beyond.

Functionality – Habitability – Light – Feelings – Neutrality

If you could offer one piece of advice when it comes to interior design schemes, what would it be?

A good analysis of the space and look for the functionality and the awakening of the senses

 How important are The International Hotel & Property Awards as recognition of talent and achievement?

Give our trajectory more visibility and recognition to give a new direction to our business.

What projects are you currently working on?

We are finishing a civic centre in a small town and some single-family homes

What are your aims and goals for the next twelve months?

In the design part, we start a new work at the Termes Victòria  Hotel and in a new single-family home. In reference to the business we want to study new directions to develop other kinds of projects

Final thoughts; tell us a little more about yourself and your daily inspirations:

Your most treasured possession?

My children

Your favourite holiday destination?

Nowadays, motorhome routes through natural environments

Your favourite hotel, restaurant & bar?

Hotel  – Hotel del Teatre (Regencós) & Balneari Termes Victòria (Caldes Montbui) where I feel like home

Restaurant – La quinta forca (Nulles)

Bar – L’Espineta (Calafell)

Your favourite book, film & song?

Book: Maletes perdudes (Lost suitcases -Jordi Puntí 2010)

Film: Untouchable (Oliver Nakache – 2011)

Song: Canon of Pachelbel in Piano

Your favourite food and drink?

One dessert – Tarta Tatin & a good white wine

Your favourite way to spend an afternoon?

Sharing a coffee in a quiet place.

If you weren’t a designer, what would you be?

I would do something related to music.

Anything else interesting?

The sea inspires me a lot, and the practice of sport makes me feel really good