Further Shortlist Success for Saffron Interior Arts in the IPD Awards 2014

design et al are proud to announce that Saffron Interior Arts have achieved further shortlist success in the Bespoke Cabinetry category in the International Product Design Awards 2014


Diagonal Cascade Cupboard by Robert Kuo

The diagonal cascade cupboard is a piece that was inspired by a lifetime or working with and being surrounded by beautiful Chinese white marble. The natural veins that run through this material crisscross each in a haphazard fashion. Robert Kuo wanted to harness some of this natural beauty but in a more structured form, combining different layers and textures.



Robert designed and made a collection of hand carved Han Bai Yu (Chinese White Marble) tiles for Ann Sacks and one day whilst looking at the tiles all laid out, he thought of the marble and the idea of applying structure and thought that the way the tiles worked, could form that basis for a furniture piece. The diagonal cascade cupboard was created in a carved wood and lacquer piece, suitable for most rooms in the home.
