Congratulations to TSAR Carpets shortlisted for Flooring – Carpet/Rug Award in The International Design & Architecture Awards 2019

design et al are delighted to announce that TSAR Carpets has been shortlisted for Flooring – Carpet/Rug Award in The International Design & Architecture Awards 2019. 

X-MATERIALITY was a collaboration between interior suppliers – using our expertise for materials, a curious mindset and experimentation to create new experiences all based around a fascination with sea formations.

The collection functions as an installation art piece and fulfils the purpose of being a product that performs and can be translated for residential and commercial outcomes. The team wanted the scene to be inspirational for real people and not simply conceptual which was a requirement in the early specification and production/instalment stages. TSAR Carpets selected the right product qualities and ensured production and installation was secure through experimentation with various materials and specifications – fibre pile height, weight, the right padding etc.

The collection has also been designed with the intention of being fully customised. Each complex design can be adjusted through scaling to fit smaller residential areas or to cover large commercial spaces or entire hotels. Each piece can also be translated using different manufacturing methods including Axminster, Wilton, knitted, machine-tufted and printed carpet.

A wide range of textures, layers and colours are used to tell a story and translate meticulous details unique to sand formation, coastal surfaces and ocean floors. These nostalgic, calming scenes have been recreated using expertise and passion for fabrics as well as the development of new construction techniques through experimentation and play. TSAR Carpets have challenged conventional perceptions of carpets and rugs by creating a beautiful narrative

The collection is a product of playful experimentation which is crucial in the progression of design and a focus in the design community currently. It also challenges conventional perceptions of product, extending the viewer’s experience of textiles in a world that is moving towards more engaging experiences.

TSAR Carpets