H2 Yacht Design
8 Princeton Court
53/55 Felsham Road
SW15 1AZ
Website: www.h2yachtdesign.com
Tel: +44 (0)208 788 5008
Fax: +44 (0)208 788 8043
eFax: +44 (0)208 181 4919
Email: info@h2yachtdesign.com
H2 was established in London in early 1994. During the early years of the business they worked almost exclusively on yacht refit projects which gave them a broad experience of working to strict time frames in different design styles with varying budgets. During this period H2 built an enviable reputation amongst the yacht community for being the refit design experts. H2 Yacht Design moved into the new build market in 2005, particularly in the PROTEKSAN ship yard in Turkey and have since then launched a number of yachts.
H2 pride themselves in not having a “house style” that is replicated for each client. Instead their portfolio is wonderfully diverse, enabling them to work in any style the client prefers. This is both stimulating for them as designers and comforting for their customers. Their attention to detail in interior design has also enabled them to become involved in exclusive residential projects in London.